Take III: This Left Turn Feels Write

November 17, 2021
by Rob Slater


11,111 new words in the last 11 days





This one goes to 11.

This is an update of my 11/12/21 post titled “This Left Turn Feels Write. 21 months ago, on 2/11/20, (1 month B.C. {Before Covid}), I started writing a project I’d been thinking about writing for nearly 4 years. By 4/4/20, I had written 22 section (approximately 2,222 words each), finishing 1 nearly every 2 days. After that I only finished 2 more parts out of the eleventy-leven total over the next two months. 

After Covid19 had been declared a pandemic I had more and more difficulty writing in Deserted Lands universe, my own bat-flu pandemic, with an increasing number of  eerie similarities popping up. One of my next blogs I will post my chart of those weird similarities and/or coincidences.

Over the following year, my depression and anxiety rose and fell, though often two steps up for on step back in more and more extreme cycles. I’ll tell some of those stories in the coming months, but the key significance was that I could not create anything with the written word other than non-fiction and a few Covid19 parody songs. 


I’m alternating between editing Deserted Lands Book III – NO MAN’S LAND and writing more stories on the VOYAGE OF THE DECAMERON. So, I likely won’t hit 50K of brand new words in November, but NaNoWriMo projects 50K by the end of the year at the rate I’m writing.


Book III starring Lizzie G-G from ALL IS SILENCE & STRAIGHT INTO DARKNESS. I’ve written 88,888 words, 11% or so may be cut or edited. Then it will probably need another 11,111. I’m planning on having it physically in my editor’s hands by December 1st and ready to share with Beta readers from my newsletter crew, family, friends and street team-The Deserters.

I’ll have a release party for NO MAN’s LAND on my 55th birthday, February, 15th, (my 5th book) in the greatest “small” indie bookstore on the planet, Village Books Bellingham. Hoping you can come if you’re in the area!


Back in March of 2016, I did a Facebook promotion called “Murder in March” with a bunch of other authors. Each of us would give away the right for a reader to become a character who would be murdered in a future book/story. Along with that I did a series of posts about what else I wanted to write in the Deserted Lands Universe. So, by the 15th, I come up with idea for a retelling of the Decameron, titled “Voyage of the Decameron.” In early April of 2016, I created a file called “Aboard the Decameron” with a link to the outline of Boccaccio’s Decameron on Wikipedia.

I currently have 22 finished stories, 11 rough drafts, 11 beginnings, 11 outlined, and ideas for 11 more. I want to recruit 9 other Indie authors to write stories in genre’s that are not my cup of tea. I plan to relaunch in February when I’ve finished the Beta reader draft of NO MAN’S LAND.

Story Prologue/Intro will launch on Leap Day, February 29th at 11:11 a.m. as a Blog Post. Adding one vignette [short stories of 1500-2500 words] every 2 days at 11:11 for 11 days. That will conclude the 1st Day stories. Repeat for 2nd Day.

After the 3rd day is done, the 2nd day will disappear from the blog. The prologue, prelude, intro, and 1st day stories, will stay up. 2 days to publish it with the intro as an ebook: “Day I – The Truth and a Lie.” Every two weeks another 11 come down and another collection is published: Day II, etc.

I’ll publish a print & e-book of the 1st 3 days and so on. At the end, I will have 121 entries, potentialy 222,222 words 11 short e-books, 3 novel length print & e-books, and print boxed set and an ebook omnibus with the whole shebang.

Any questions for me? Stories, writing, titles, marketing, weird coincidences of the Deserted Lands universe? [That last question will be addressed on this blog soon! ;-)]

By March 11, 22 all six will be published and available. You can get DRIFT AWAY if you’re on my e-mail list.


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This Left Turn Feels Write

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