The Spring 2017 Young Adult Scavenger Hunt is over. Participation was amazing! Thousands of folks meeting 100 YA authors and getting bonus materials. The GOLD TEAM winner of 20 Young Adult novels is: Miranda G. in Rexburg ID. She will receive a signed 1st edition...
Deserted Lands
Young Adult Scavenger Hunt: Special Guest and Bonus Materials
If you get stuck on #YASH17? Go HERE for direct links! Welcome reader to my third Young Adult Scavenger Hunt! YASH author & organizer Colleen Houck wanted to give readers access to exclusive bonus material from their favorite authors... and a chance...
Rob’s wRiting Residency – Not at work working…
Tomorrow is an interesting day. I’ve been teaching less, so I can write more, one less class a day since early December. I got a lot of new writing done in December and January, slowed down in February. Now instead of writing before I go to work a little late, I will...
So we all hear about authors who love particular phrases, sometimes they'll appear dozens of times in a novel. For me that phrase for ALL IS SILENCE was "TMT, Too Much Testosterone. Way more dangerous than TNT." There are THREE [!] times that "Too Much Testosterone"...
February Smorgasblog
Here's a quick update. Warning: This post goes to eleven... Here is the new Cover art for TOILS AND SNARES. I turned 50 on February 15th. My kids are sending me to SPACE CAMP! Which reminds me, “Not to 50″ Series went to 55 with Part V on Missed my...
You know you’re a real author when… Part I
Accidentally posted this without finishing it. Oops... I kind of forgot that I officially released All Is Silence February 18th 2014, so it just passed its third birthday. But it's release party didn't happen until March 14th. If it hasn't already happened,...
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Robert L. Slater, author of the young adult, apocalyptic science fiction series Deserted Lands, has worked as a teacher in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for 20 years. Like some of his characters, he has a propensity for speaking in lines from 80s movies, drinking Mountain Dew and eating pizza.