Deserted Lands


Sad news for my high school and community.

[Cross-posted elsewhere.] I lost two of my students and two others are in the hospital in critical condition–a senseless accident. Please, hug your kids, your friends, your parents. Tell them you love them. If you want to help, please check out this...

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Sad Days in Ferndale/Bellingham…

[Crossposted to pretty much every social media I am involved in.] Hey folks, Sad days here in Bellingham/Ferndale. I lost two of my students and two others are in the hospital in critical condition--a senseless accident. Please, hug your kids, your friends, your...

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Why I Wattpad – Part III

Why I Wattpad is a continuing series of blogposts about my first year on Wattpad. Here are Part I, Part II, Part IV. This was going to be my mostly final wrap up on Wattpad, but I haven't gotten all the data I need for that wrap up.  Since I have recently been sort of...

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What comes around… Mad Max lyrics from 1982

Crossposted to my personal blog. I haven't been able to shoehorn the time into my schedule to go see the New Mad Max movie, but I am anticipating the event something fierce. So, for a bit of a flashback, here are some song lyrics I wrote in Mr. Gregory's Geometry...

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Contact Me

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Robert L. Slater, author of the young adult, apocalyptic science fiction series Deserted Lands, has worked as a teacher in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for 20 years. Like some of his characters, he has a propensity for speaking in lines from 80s movies, drinking Mountain Dew and eating pizza.