In April, I am going to be sharing some of my poetry inspired by other writers. Inspired by Mindy McGinnis' NOT A DROP TO DRINK, a young adult dystopian that feels very real! The Road meets Little House on the Prairie. Enough A poem by Robert L. Slater Water. Losing...
Deserted Lands
Future Deserted Lands Works – Part II
So, as part of the Murder in March promotion on Facebook, I got to talk about various stories I’ve got brewing in my head. I’m also reminding myself to create a series bible, so here is what I’ve got so far. I have a few more ideas under my hats, but here are concepts...
Young Adult Scavenger Hunt: Melissa Giorgio
Young Adult Scavenger Hunt: Melissa Giorgio is the author of the YA paranormal Silver Moon Saga and at least 81 other stories and novels. Today I'm giving you a sneak peek of the second book in her Smoke and Mirrors YA fantasy series, The Burning Chaos, which is...
March SmorgasBlog: 11 more short updates…
2016 YA Scavenger Hunt starts March 29th and runs through April 3rd, 10 winners will win 20 books! All you have to do is checkout YA websites and count up numbers for your free entry! I'm on the Green Team! Last weekend I uploaded ALL IS SILENCE to StreetLib. It is...
No, we're not scavenging young adults. We are, however, offering Young Adult novels as prizes for finding and adding up series of numbers. I am on the GREEN TEAM with all the awesome authors whose books you see here. The description of this three day event is here on...
Future Deserted Lands Works – Part I
So, as part of the Murder in March promotion on Facebook, I got to talk about various stories I’ve got brewing in my head. One 'lucky' winner will get to die in one of the next stories I write. Since I’m also working to create a series bible, here is what I’ve got so...
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Robert L. Slater, author of the young adult, apocalyptic science fiction series Deserted Lands, has worked as a teacher in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for 20 years. Like some of his characters, he has a propensity for speaking in lines from 80s movies, drinking Mountain Dew and eating pizza.