“Memories of Light,” a serial science fiction story by six writers…

July 21, 2013
by Rob Slater


Memories of Light,” a serial science fiction story written by Whatcom County residents, runs Mondays, July 22 through Aug. 26, in The Bellingham Herald. The chapters also will be available at this Serial Novel webpage.

From Dean Kahn’s article:
CHAPTER SIX: Wrapping up a story written serially by others is no easy matter, but Robert L. Slater has the experience and chops to pull it off nicely. For now, I can say that he resolves it in a big-step-forward but watch-your-back manner. Much like in real life, even a hundred years in the future.

Robert teaches at Windward High School, where he will have a National Novel Writing Month class next fall. His debut speculative fiction novel, “All is Silence,” will be available later this year at Village Books and desertedlands.com.”


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