So. Been a bit quiet. Only have a bit of time. So here’s a random catch-up post.
- Kobo: Finally hit #1 in a category.
Though it’s a bit of a weird category. Not TEEN, but KIDS Science Fiction. I wouldn’t give the Lizzie Deserted Lands series to kids. When I write the Charley and Grace books, then, I will have stories to give to kids.
- wattpad: Had all four Wattpad stories in the Science Fiction top
1000. AiS at #7 and Toils and Snares at #999, SiD and JatB [Jack and the Beanstalk, my first trunk novel, to demonstrate how my writing has improved in the last 25 years!] somewhere in between! #7 is as high as I’ve been in quite a while! If you haven’t tried wattpad, come check it out, read some of my stuff, vote my some stars! 😉
- NO MAN’S LAND: Progress is being made. I’ve got the rough bones of the plot laid out for revivification. Doing Camp NaNoWriMo and aiming for 50,000 plus words in July! And a finished 1st draft by the end of August. If you are interested in being a Beta reader, make sure to sign up for the mailing liist in the orange box at the top left of this page.
- Capital Indie Book Con: Thanks to my friends, Jeffrey Cook and Lee French and a bunch of other folks, I am going to be selling books as far south of I-90 as I’ve been! Come check out tons of PNW authors at Evergreen State College’s Longhouse. July 16th at 11am-7pm.
- Toils and Snares is on-sale for Amazon Kindle for only $0.99 through July 8th. Please consider buying it as a gift to me, even if you don’t read e-books! 😉 Even $0.99 sales boost visibility.
- Village Books Reads: The Speculative Fiction Group is reading All Is Silence for the August meeting which I will be attending. My 2nd book group meeting! Cool. Monday, August 15, 7:00pm.
- I have new All Is Silence t-shirts. If you want one for FREE, sign up for the Deserted Lands street team — The Desert Club.
- Heading to Port Townsend to write in a dry-docked boat [thanks AirBnB] while Elena and Miranda fiddle around. Leaving internet worthy computers at home! I’m taking my four working ‘distraction free’ word processors. I’ll have my smart phone, but probably only accessing it in the evening! We’ll see if I can celebrate my freedom on the 4th from the interwebs! 😉 Planning on 20,000 words by the time I return on the 10th.
- Formatting my Deserted Lands Double Print eBook for release in the fall. It will include Toils and Snares, Outward Bound and the other two kindle ebooks I have for sale! But you will be able to hold this ebook in your hands!
- Set up my recording gear to start work on recording audiobook versions of AiS, SiD and the Deserted Lands double.
- Translations: All Is Silence translation into Chinese has reached the first draft stage. Now the translaters will be going through and checking each other’s work! I dropped the ball on the Spanish and Italian translations, but will be picking that up when I get back on July 10th.