Goals, Humility and Reality…

August 27, 2014
by Rob Slater


Well, what have I accomplished as I wind down toward going back to my day job as a high school English teacher?  I’ve written more than 25 words all but 3 of the last 70 days. I’ve averaged 546 words. I only hit 2000 words of fiction on one of those days, though I had two more days where the combo of fiction and blog posts exceeded 2K. I’ve mostly finished a rough draft of a novella currently titled Toils and Snares.

I’ve reformatted Outward Bound for some special promotions in conjunction with the novella’s release. I’ve created a cover for the magical realism short story Just Desert and intend to have it posted as an ebook early in September.

What I haven’t managed was to break my 6000 words in a day goal. Nor have I hit the 75,000 words I had hoped for. Well, I still got a lot done. I had a 54 day writing streak.

More later about humility and reality! I gotta go to bed, as I have a work day at school tomorrow!


  1. Rachel Ann Hanley

    I tend to think that writing goals are important, but don’t guilt trip yourself if you don’t meet them, especially if they’re extra ambitious! It’s simply not productive.

    • Robert L. Slater

      Thanks. I recognize logically that I can control my own deadlines. But emotionally, I also want to deliver the book when I say I will! That of course conflicts with the desire to release the best book I am capable of releasing at the time in is “finished.” I’m hoping that my PubSlush crowdfunding effort in conjuction with Kobo is a success as then I can let go of more of my editing concerns and let the people I pay do the job of holding me accountable! This leaves me free to be more creative!


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