Looking forward to 2015 as we wrap up 2014!
What’s to come? 2014 was amazing for me as an author. It was everything I hoped for, if not everything I dreamed of. Where is that contract for the foreign rights, and the option on the screenplay? 😉
Seriously, I hit some top ten lists, got reviewed by Don Sakers for Analog magazine, won an award, rubbed elbows literarily with Veronica Roth and Scott Westerfield and literally with Hugh Howey, who complimented my pagination! In addition to Hugh, I met Matt de la Pena, Corinne Duyvis and Mark Leslie. I sold more than half of my first printing, plus a whole lot more e-copies. I’ve exchanged e-mails with Mindy McGinnis and been retweeted by Neil Gaiman himself!
I wrote more than 100,000 words of new fiction by the 1st of December, setting a new record. I am sending out a newsletter tomorrow with information on how to get beta-reader copies of my Deserted Lands novella, TOILS AND SNARES. I’m filling in the gaps in the ALL IS SILENCE sequel STRAIGHT INTO DARKNESS.

Readers of ALL IS SILENCE on Wattpad. Darker blue is more reads! No one is reading me in Mongolia. Neither upper nor lower.
As of tonight ALL IS SILENCE has had 91,000 reads on WattPad–over 1000 folks have read the first 12 chapters. AiS averages about 150 unique readers each day, 27% of which are in the Phillipines! It hit #2 behind Scott Westerfield’s UGLIES back when Wattpad allowed each work to be listed in two categories. Now that it’s only listed in Science Fiction it has gotten as high as #13. Maybe tomorrow it will break into the top 10! Thanks to Amanda Hagarty for all the advice and support. And to everyone else who has been so amazing this year:
- The readers. The readers. The readers.
- My beta readers, my family, my students, my friends… [many of you fit more than one of these categories.]
- Brendan, Sam, Christina, Paul, Rachel and everyone else at Village Books
- Don Sakers and Analog
- Kiffer Brown and Chanticleer Reviews
- Bellingham Writer’s Group and Cozy Corner Coffee and Books for hosting it and selling my book, too!
- The Hoquiam Timberland Regional Library
- Harbor Drug in my hometown.
- Mark Leslie and the crew at Kobo Writing Life
- Whatcom Community Library System
- Bellingham Public Libraries
- My editors, proofreaders
- Upstart Crows and the Whatcom Writers & Publishers
- Pintado for an amazing cover
- Damian Vines for amazing author photos
- The Heinlein Forum on Facebook
- All the writers who inspired and inspire me
- And everyone else I forgot!