Why not‽
“But, Rob, I’ve been waiting 5 years on a cliffhanger for Book III, and I want it now, now, now!”
What I mean is don’t buy my books YET.
Don’t despair, I have several solutions I’ll mention at the bottom of this post. You can jump there right away, but I’d really like you to understand why, and how you can help me best, if you so desire.
In order to become a successful as an author, I need to grow my audience. Obviously, if you’re reading this you’re a part of that audience already. Thanks. It’s an honor to have folks who care about what I write. And what I’m writing for, primarily, is to reach people.
The best way to grow my target audience is to release books and have people who like young adult, apocalyptic adventures , and/or LGBTQ, buy them. So, if you do read in those genres, please feel free to buy it on the day it comes out. If you don’t please use one of the choices at the bottom.
Then the book stores, online and in person, may be more likely to suggest my books to similar readers. For example, if you normally read cozy mysteries, high fantasy, reverse harem romance, or…, people looking for books like mine will be less likely to find them 🙁
Now, if you’re interested in buying a first printing paperback book, feel free to buy that right away. 🙂 Village Books in Bellingham will ship as many books as you wish to buy for $0.99. These will be inscribed by me, and personalized, if you make a note when at checkout and/or email me at rob@robslater.com.
Writing reviews can also help me grow my audience immensely. Even if you didn’t buy it at Barnes & Noble or Apple iBooks, you can still leave a review. It helps if you say a few little things about the book and constructive criticism is welcomed here, so that the readers who are considering buying it don’t think that it’s just family and friends that I’ve badgered, or people I’ve paid that are writing the reviews.
I’d love to read more reviews that say how the DESERTED LANDS series breaks many standards, or tropes, of the apocalyptic genre, such as, the power and cell phones still work, in many places. I’ve communicated with experts to verify this idea. In the Pacific Northwest, we have lots of renewable energy that is produced practically automatically.
Did you know, it only takes two people in two different locations in the Grand coulee dam to keep things running? One person, with a kid who can reach the button, could keep Grand Coulee Dam functioning and providing power to much of the region. Near the dam are many people who know enough to do this. My story will be, an adult and a kid that keep it going, while the adult has a baby in carrier, This idea, like theVOYAGE OF THE DECAMERON, came to me several years ago, and is one of the 42, or so, story/novel ideas I have for the Deserted Lands.
So, onto the solutions: (I want to help you, Rob, I just don’t wanna wait!)
- Buy it in paperback from Village Books, the ONLY retailer in the UNIVERSE selling NO MAN’S LAND before March 15th.
- Sign up for my newsletter and get on the Advance Reviewers list. This means you will get a free ebook to read and review for your blog, your local news source, a physical or online bookstores, or ALL of the above! For EVERY place you post a review you will recieve a ticket for a raffle of some amazingly useful items related to Deserted Lands and some shwag. That will occur on Tax Day (U.S.) April 15th. And if you do three before March 15th, when the ebook is released, I’ll send you a t-shirt.
- 3. Hunt me down (Or convince me of a reason to come visit you) and buy a book(or books) from me.
You can also help me on social media by liking, commenting on, and/or sharing posts (mine or someone elses about my books.) At least 5 different pieces of fiction releasing in February. In order of the importance they are:
1. No Man’s Land, Book III release and reading at Village Books. In person tickets required (the price of the ticket can be spent on any book in the store). Print book, my 5th, on February 15th, my 55th birthday. Ebook launches 3/16/22
2.VOYAGE OF THE DECAMERON: relaunching (Get it? It’s a boat.) this serially every 2 to 3 days on my blog starting 2/22/22. [psst… You can read it for free there, or wait to buy it later and bigger chunks.]
3. Hope’s Spring, a short deserted Land flash fiction, in the Whatcom Writes anthology: Interconnectedness. Release date and in-person reading at Village Books is on 2/20/22. Online reading 2/27/22. Reservations required for both, click on the links.
4. DRIFT AWAY, which you may have read if you’ve been reading my newsletter. (And if you sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of this page you can get this one for FREE, too!