Two New Deserted Lands Stories? Done. Mostly.

July 28, 2013
by Rob Slater


Well, not totally done. Finished the first drafts of two new Deserted Lands stories while riding to Vancouver, B.C. for a significant other’s birthday.

Great walk at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary and then lunch at East is East. Great Indian food, lovely atmosphere. It’s 9 pm and I’m writing this blog post. I haven’t eaten since 3:30 and I’m still not hungry!

As for the stories. First reader Elena says… “Uh, is that a story?” for the first one. And for the second? “Ew. Yes. It’s a story. And it’s disturbing.” So, I figure, 50% isn’t bad. It would be great if I was playing baseball.

Now to reread and see if I can figure out what I lost in translation. The short story lacking the story line exists somewhere in a notebook I can’t currently find. I thought that REwriting it would magically make the notebook reappear. So far? No good. Well, as soon as this one is a story I’m releasing my ebook short story collection. So, I guess I better just go fix it.

Write on,


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