[Accidentally posted this before I was ready and by that time it had gone out to the feed, so, this is updated from yesterday. ~Rob]
- Turning 50 in February. There will be a great sale! And I am truly happy and blessed about hitting middle age!
- Which reminds me, “Not to 50″ Series continues with Part III on www.robslater.com. Hopefully have at least two more by the big day.
- My high school, Windward, a most awesome place to work and go to school celebrates its
14th13th birthday this week. I’ve been there since 2010ish and absolutely love it. - Another birthday this month. Lizzie Gooden-Guerrero turned 15 on January 11th in an alternate universe near this one. She celebrated by walking in the March for Humanity the day after the presidential inauguration. Guess what her sign said? [Please keep it cleaner than the books!]
- Writing update. Hit 26,423 words in January. On track for three new novels worth of rough drafting this year! That’s Lizzie Book III, sitting at 57,000 words, another Deserted Lands novel, possibly middle grade, and Non-Deserted Lands, #FantSciFi novel. I have a number in the works. We’ll see which one floats to the top.
- Young adult readers, my new
short story, Drift Away, is now featured in the anthology THAT MOMENT WHEN… You get to sample 40 Young Adult Authors for FREE. For Amazon click the cover on the right. Read more about it and get links to other e-reader stores in the blog post below. It’s FREE in all of them.
- Quotes in weird places: “Too Much Testosterone” Search it in quotes with my name. Pretty cool. I’ve got a post started about it for February.
Dang it. I posted it. Well, I guess we’re going for lucky 7 this month… More to come…