Beta Readers and eARCs

September 25, 2013
by Rob Slater


Closing in on the finil, finial, FINAL draft for electronic Advanced Reader Copies.

How can you become a Beta reader? Sign up on the Newsletter page in the upper right hand corner. You will also receive FREE fiction Bi-Monthly. Beta Readers who meet either of the expectations below can get a FREE SIGNED and personalized ADVANCED PUBLICATION COPY.

1. FREE SIGNED PRINT COPY. If you refer me to a significant reviewer [I get to decide significance, but rest assured, if they write for a magazine or have a well-followed blog that caters to my audience, it will count.] who agrees to read an Advanced Reader Copy or Electronic Advance Reader. [Note: They don’t actually have to write a review for you to get your free copy.]

2. FREE SIGNED PRINT COPY. Become a beta reader. Once I get the ARCs out, I will send out eARC’s to the first 100 people to sign up. For every error, or comment you make and send to me by e-mail, I will give you 1% off a signed print copy. So, if you find 100 errors or make 100 suggestions (or any combo thereof) I will send you a free signed copy on release. (You’ll probably get it before with me hoping you’ll post reviews on GoodReads, B&N, KOBO, Amazon, and/or your own blog/webpage/Facebook/Twitter. This entry was posted in Writing by roblogger. Bookmark the permalink.


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