Well. That was a month. NANOWRIMO 2013: Began well and kept a steady pace, but wrote on shuffle without enough story arc in my mind. Last year I'd spent 6-8 months thinking about the first 2/3 of the novel which equaled 58,000 words. This year, I think I wrote all the...
Deserted Lands
“Outward Bound” is ON SALE for $0.99 on the KOBO, NOOK, and Kindle from now until the end of the year. GoodReads Giveaway to begin Thanksgiving and run through Black Friday up to Cyber Monday Eve. Seems like a good time to give away copies of a book, no? ALL IS...
GoodReads Giveaway, unLost ARCs and the new novel…
Welcome. This week there are all sorts of writerly [adverb alert] things going on. I created my first GoodReads Giveaway to begin Thanksgiving and run through Black Friday up to Cyber Monday Eve. Seems like a good time to give away copies of a book, no? Goodreads Book...
Hashtags, ALL IS SILENCE follow-up, NANOWRIMO…
Well folks, We're into November and NANOWRIMO: NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth. If you know my propensity for DOuble TYping CApital LEtters, you understand part of the reason why I like this activity. The other reason I love it is because thanks to NANO I now know [hear...
Pumpkins, and PRE-Orders of ALL IS SILENCE
Hey folks, You can now pre-order a pre-publication edition of ALL IS SILENCE . This will be a small printing intended primarily for Reviewers, Booksellers and Librarians. But you can get early only here at my website or from me personally. And for some fun. Here is...
Drafts, draughts and drafts…
Hey folks, As the weather changes to drafty windswept coolness, I finished my 5th major draft of the novel and indulged in a few draughts at Boundary Bay Brewery. My posts to this blog have been usurped by writing/editing time and posts on Deserted Lands. My...
Contact Me
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Robert L. Slater, author of the young adult, apocalyptic science fiction series Deserted Lands, has worked as a teacher in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for 20 years. Like some of his characters, he has a propensity for speaking in lines from 80s movies, drinking Mountain Dew and eating pizza.