Things more important than words and streaks and novels and such. And the greatest of these are family and friends. Yesterday I focused on them. I got up early and continued ripping out old decking so that it would be safe for small children to play on. Safe is, of...
Deserted Lands
On Backing Up… wherein I praise my ThinkPad & Scrivener writing software
On Friday I was at the Whatcom YMCA waiting for my daughter to climb the wall. I know, usually children make their parents climb the wall, right? Well. There were a bunch of people there despite the fact that we got there five minutes before the climbing wall opened...
Digital Book Day/Guest Post/Word Counts/Steampunk Festival
Welcome, all new visitors and everyone who took part in Digital Book Day. Thanks to CJ Lyons for all the hard work and the wear and tear on the servers. Thanks to all you readers out there who find new books, review them and tell your friends about them. Today I have...
Free eBook of ALL IS SILENCE 24 hours TODAY 7/14
Please check out all the fantastic authors giving away e-books for free. Most of them are self-published. Take a chance, try someone new. I highly recommend, Mark Leslie. Here's my link for All Is Silence. [If it doesn't work go here.] Yes, it will bring you back to...
Slater is Streaking in Seattle (and Salt Lake City).
Sick of Seattle by the Smithereens. Sleepless in Seattle. Stuck In Seattle with Slater's Airport blues. And now, streaking in Seattle. Basically, alliterating all over. So, after screwing up parking and missing my flight, I logged onto the SeaTac Airport wifi and...
Why write a book for an audience that doesn’t read?
From 1999 to 2012 I taught at small alternative schools. One of the challenges as an English teacher is finding books that can hook students who did not grow up reading. Most students have one book that they read and loved: The Giver, Of Mice and Men, The Lion, the...
Contact Me
Get In Touch
Robert L. Slater, author of the young adult, apocalyptic science fiction series Deserted Lands, has worked as a teacher in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for 20 years. Like some of his characters, he has a propensity for speaking in lines from 80s movies, drinking Mountain Dew and eating pizza.