Pubslushing... A kick-start for Writers! About six months ago I entered a random drawing from the Kobo Writing Life blog for a Pubslush Writing crowd-funding support Giveaway. As with so many other times that I've tossed a hat in the ring, I won one of the second...
Deserted Lands
Why I WattPad – Part I
Why I Wattpad is a continuing series of blogposts about my first year on Wattpad. Here are Part II, Part III, and Part IV Have to shout out to my editor/writing friend/marketing maven, Amanda June Hagarty! She convinced me to give Wattpad a try. Check out her...
Teaching Creative Writing to Teens.
This advice goes to 11! I love to work with students on their writing. Poetry, fiction, screenplays, essays... I love their ideas, their growth over time, but not so much their ability to self-reflect. But I was a young writer once, too. Nothing is ever as brilliant...
One Tin Soldier pre-order and other updates…
I've released another short story, One Tin Soldier on Amazon as a pre-release. I'm experimenting with the marketing tools available to KDP select so I can decide what to use for my next novel. Here's the cover art for One Tin Soldier. I created the art work with Canva...
The Doldrums, Rising Tide and Banned Books
The last month has been a hard one in terms of writing. Though I wrote 55,000 words this summer, probably more than I have ever written, it was not the 75,000 and the finished rough drafts of a novel and a novella. Instead, I have unfinished drafts of two novels and a...
Call for Beta, Gamma, and Delta readers.
My Deserted Lands novella, Toils and Snares--a parallelequel to All Is Silence, is now in rough draft completed form. Now I need Alpha, Beta, and Gamma readers for Toils and Snares Beta readers – reading the messy first draft for the story arc. Does it work? Gamma...
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Robert L. Slater, author of the young adult, apocalyptic science fiction series Deserted Lands, has worked as a teacher in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for 20 years. Like some of his characters, he has a propensity for speaking in lines from 80s movies, drinking Mountain Dew and eating pizza.