Deserted Lands


What comes around… Mad Max lyrics from 1982

Crossposted to my personal blog. I haven't been able to shoehorn the time into my schedule to go see the New Mad Max movie, but I am anticipating the event something fierce. So, for a bit of a flashback, here are some song lyrics I wrote in Mr. Gregory's Geometry...

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Don’t Buy My New Book…

... not yet. Please. Really. Wait. Why? Well, it's an experiment. STRAIGHT INTO DARKNESS will be up for pre-sale on Amazon sometime in the next 24 hours. This means that it can be pre-ordered for the next 90 days.  Why am I putting it up for pre-sale if I don't want...

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Robert L. Slater, author of the young adult, apocalyptic science fiction series Deserted Lands, has worked as a teacher in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for 20 years. Like some of his characters, he has a propensity for speaking in lines from 80s movies, drinking Mountain Dew and eating pizza.