If a picture is worth a thousand words, this post is worth 10,123. I don't mention these often, but here's a pretty phenomenal review in the Skagit Valley Herald for a twenty month old book. Thanks to Brian Soneda at the Mount Vernon Public Library. Preorder up...
Deserted Lands
Whelmed, but not in Europe. What’s up?
As I power through the last month before release of my second novel, I realized that I hadn't updated my events page. Since I had three to add I thought I would share it with you. If you meet me at these events there will always be special deals on my books and an...
Time Pressure and a Turkish Translation…
Well... Time pressure is upon me. I've got deadlines coming up and time to meet them. Will I have the stubbornness to keep my nose to the literary grindstone and git 'er done? I'm planning on it, but next time, I am not setting a date for the release before I have...
On Video: Changes ~ Author Conversations
Thanks to Sally Ember for a lovely and informative intro to Hangouts On Air. Check out her website if you are any kind of author and would like to participate. Too many, "uh, um," kinds of pauses. But that's what happens when things are completely unscripted, no?
Surfacing… Come see me in my 1st ever Hangout next week…
Three weeks mostly off the grid. When I left for Italy on June 23rd, my phone remained at the YVR, the Vancouver airport. So with no smart-phone and inconsistent/non-existent internet, I managed a few hours over the course of the last three weeks. I spent...
Alopecia Areata and other Heavy Metal band names…
Several months ago at a gathering of the Whatcom Writers and Publishers I was gently approached by a woman with a question. She was producing a book about people with Alopecia. And the question she kindly asked was did I have Alopecia, hair loss caused by an...
Contact Me
Get In Touch
Robert L. Slater, author of the young adult, apocalyptic science fiction series Deserted Lands, has worked as a teacher in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for 20 years. Like some of his characters, he has a propensity for speaking in lines from 80s movies, drinking Mountain Dew and eating pizza.