Brews & Books, Rewrites, deadlines and other things that go bump in the night.

September 10, 2013
by Rob Slater


Come hang out with me and other PNW authors and readers this Saturday at Boundary Bay Brewery and Chanticleer Reviews: Books & Brews

How much harder is it to rewrite and edit than to write the first draft?  Plenty. Ten maybe Twenty times as hard.

I can see, read, feel my novel getting better as I hew of large chunks of text to bring the real, honest shape of the thing into focus. I’ve got some really good folks giving me very specific, meaningful advice. Many thanks to Amanda; my brother, James; and my writer’s groups.

Bottom line. I had hoped to have eARCs out next week. I’m now aiming for the end of the month. And the print ARCs will be a couple weeks later.

This is my marathon. What I am learning about myself and my writing should make the next on easier to run. I hope to not make as many mistakes.

Either way, it has been an amazing year.


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