Well, not totally done. Finished the first drafts of two new Deserted Lands stories while riding to Vancouver, B.C. for a significant other’s birthday.
Great walk at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary and then lunch at East is East. Great Indian food, lovely atmosphere. It’s 9 pm and I’m writing this blog post. I haven’t eaten since 3:30 and I’m still not hungry!
As for the stories. First reader Elena says… “Uh, is that a story?” for the first one. And for the second? “Ew. Yes. It’s a story. And it’s disturbing.” So, I figure, 50% isn’t bad. It would be great if I was playing baseball.
Now to reread and see if I can figure out what I lost in translation. The short story lacking the story line exists somewhere in a notebook I can’t currently find. I thought that REwriting it would magically make the notebook reappear. So far? No good. Well, as soon as this one is a story I’m releasing my ebook short story collection. So, I guess I better just go fix it.
Write on,