The Deserted Lands Universe, created by science fiction author Robert L. Slater, began with Lizzie’s story, which unfolds in a gut-wrenching, powerful and emotional young adult trilogy set initially in Bellingham, Washington and trekking through the northwest to Utah and back.

“I hope you all die!” she said. And they did.

Follow the story of Lizzie, a tough teenager trying to survive the end of the world. Her story begins in ALL IS SILENCE

…and continues in the follow-up novel

STRAIGHT INTO DARKNESS, in which Lizzie faces some truths about humanity, her friends, and herself.

[…and concludes in the final novel of the trilogy.

NO MAN’S LAND [releasing 12/12/24] will conclude Lizzie Goodin-Guerrero’s story as a teenager.

But wait, there is more…

Additional short fiction pieces, focusing on other survivors of this particular apocalypse, such as the short novel and parallelequel, TOILS AND SNARES, DRIFT AWAY, and the short short story Beginnings in the Outward Bound collection, are already available. Others bubble and stew in the back of Rob’s brain, waiting to be released.

Volunteers Needed for the End of the World

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